
We have been running a samba pdc with LDAP backend setup here at work since "before my time" (a few years now). Recently it has became necessary to move a handful of users to their own server for shares, profiles, and such to reduce the load on the primary server. Of these users, all moved just fine with the exception of one user.

All the users that were moved are using windows xp. I updated all their profile paths in ldap, removed their logon scripts from the primary machine, edited the logon scripts on the new machine to point to the proper machine and share, and even ran the unix2dos on the logon scripts for good measure. I even compared the non-working persons ldap entry to one of the working ones and they are identical expect the name and personal stuff. So here it is a week later and 3 of the 4 users are pulling their profiles, my documents, and shares from the new server with little intervention on my part. It is that last one that has me stumped. His machine refuses to pull his profile from the new machine and won't pull his my documents (we redirect them as the R: drive). Instead it tries to pull form the old machine and sees there is no profile so instead loads the local copy instead. I have removed the logon script, removed the folders for his profile and such and restarted the samba and ldap service about a dozen times to no avail. I even made sure his machine was powered completely down to ensure it isn't just hibernating and keeping settings in memory.

I am at a loss why this one user is giving me such issues. And of course it would be the head of the section I am doing the server for. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.

Donny B.
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