Hi again,
Can u give me the exact names of the packages you apt-getted? I need those because winbindd is acting strange and I need to find out what the problem is.


From: "Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jacob Malmberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Samba] Has anybody got ACL to work w/ debian, winbindd in a w2k mixed domain?
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 10:07:43 +0800 (WST)

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Jacob Malmberg wrote:

> Neat. How did you do that, any how-to or something? Im really stuck with
> this problem. Those sid packages you are talking about, what are those and
> where do I find them. I hope you help me out on this one as Im really
> bugged.

I can tell you roughly what I did. If you need clarification then don't
hesitate to ask.

0) Install woody to your satisfaction.

1) Modified my /etc/apt/preferences file to:
Package: *
Pin: release l=Debian-Security
Pin-Priority: 999

Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 500
and add the appropriate unstable lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.
The only reason I need the unstable lines and the apt preferences is to get
the current acl/attr libraries prepackaged. I don't see that I need to do
extra work (especially when a nice DD has done it for me).

2) follow the instructions at: http://acl.bestbits.at/steps.html
for a new install. I only varied it by using the prepackaged .debs
for acl/attr (including the -dev packages).

3) After booting into the new kernel (in my case 2.4.19, As set there aren't
any patches for 2.4.20) and mounting /home with the "acl" option.
I testing {set,get}facl and all was good.

4) I then build samba from source. I was doing 2.2.6-pre1 but I've since
upgraded to 2.2.7 with no issues.

5) From there I followed the instructions in "man 8 winbindd" to get the
winbind daemon working and join the domain. I then tested ssh and
{set,get}facl with the DOMAIN_user accounts. Once I had that working
(actually there was nothing to do it just worked) I tried
setting/adding/removing ACLS from a win2k box.

So far the only problem I've come across is the 8 (of 2000 odd) accounts
don't have a an rid to convert name->sid. This would be more of a problem
if the accounts weren't going to be deleted in about 3 days.

I also have enabled quota support in the kernel and samba and that works

Yours Tony

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