Hi Michael,

I, for one, am using config alloc because that is how things were done on 3.0.xx before I migrated data to a new box that uses 3.5.4. I do not care very much about the configuration changes. But I beg you that documentation regarding idmap_ldap is updated including how idmap_ldap works.

I had issues getting the configuration in 3.5.x to a state where I could run wbinfo --set-* successfully and I still have an outstanding issue where new accounts created in AD are not being automatically mapped by winbind and I have to manually create these mappings.

In my idmap rewrite, I kept the alloc related parameters for the
LDAP idmap backend for now:

- idmap alloc config : ldap_url
- idmap alloc config : ldap_base_dn
- idmap alloc config : ldap_user_dn

and the related idmap alloc secret.

I would like to get rid of these.

Be my guest. I don't care so long as these changes are documented so that people will know what is going on. This will be the second time that I will have had to fight with changes in idmap ldap related configuration without notice.

Therefore, I am asking here, if there is
anyone out there using these?
I can not imagine a reason why one would
want to use different server and/or user+password
for storing the uid/gid counter.

Right now there is nothing that actually explains to me what idmap_ldap does and so I don't have a clue as to what are you talking about.

The only option that I would attest a certain, though minimal,
right to exist is the ldap_base_dn. But usually, it should
imho ok to store the uid/gid counter in the same location
as the mappings.

So, again: Are these options needed/used at all?

There is an awful lot of 'documentation' out there detailing the use of alloc. People go nuts just figuring out how to do winbind + ldap.

Or can I remove them for 3.6.0 ?

Be my guest! Just update/provide documentation!

Cheers - Michael

Note: If we need to keep any of the options, the current form
(idmap alloc config :<option>  = ...) would reference
the default config, but my idmap rewrite would enable us
to set these on a per-domain basis, which would call
for options like this "idmap config DOMAIN : alloc_<option>")

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