On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 08:10:16AM -0700, CJ Keist wrote:
> Thank you.
>     ./wbinfo -n login_name works.  But the wbinfo -i doesn't work,
> "Could not get info for user COLOSTATE\login".
> So windbind is working partially?  Could there be something on the
> Windows domain controller that isn't allowing the information to my
> samba server?

That's unlikely. Try 

wbinfo -n login_name

and use the resulting SID to try

wbinfo --sid-to-uid <sid>

If the latter step fails, your id mapping does not work. If
that works and the wbinfo -n still does not work, we need
winbind debug level 10 logs.

With best regards,

Volker Lendecke

SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
phone: +49-551-370000-0, fax: +49-551-370000-9
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