On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 05:42:34PM -0500, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> It was worth a try, but I've just changed it to 10 and restarted
> the service.  Same thing.  I get the initial daemon startup
> messages and then nothing additional while I try the shares from
> Windows boxes, use them, etc.
> I even tried one of the examples from the man page:
>     log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2

Is it possible that you have

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

or something equivalent with a %-macro in you smb.conf? In
that case, the relevant logs will show up in different

With best regards,

Volker Lendecke

SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
phone: +49-551-370000-0, fax: +49-551-370000-9
AG Göttingen, HRB 2816, GF: Dr. Johannes Loxen
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