
I had a linux server installed with samba 3.0.9-2.6
(SuSE 9.1) and a samba shared folder among 12 PC under
The linux server has been replaced by a new one a week
ago. The new machine runs samba 3.5.4-5.1.2x86-64
with the same shared folder and the same smb.conf
Till then, when the PCs try to connect to the samba
share via explorer a window opens with
the message "Numéro de procédure hors de l'intervalle
admis" (RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE corresponding
to windows error 1745).
Has anyone an idea how I could get rid of that message
and gain access to the samba shared folder with the
explorer ?

I've registered the PCs names and passwords in smbpasswd
and one user named nobody because I thought of a problem
of recognition of the PCs.

I've found many mails about this error but no solution.

Does anyone have an idea ?

Nadine Mauch
ReadySOFT Sarl
4 avenue de la Gare
Tel: (0033) 3
Fax: (0033) 3
mel: directio...@readysoft.eu
mel: nadine.ma...@readysoft.eu
site: www.readysoft.eu

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# smb.conf is the main samba configuration file. You find a full commented
# version at /usr/share/doc/packages/samba/examples/smb.conf.SuSE
# Date: 2002-11-19
        workgroup = ******
        guest account = nobody
        keepalive = 300
        domain logons = no
        domain master = auto
        preferred master = yes
        os level = 20
        kernel oplocks = yes
        security = user
        encrypt passwords = yes
        server string = Samba%v
        printer name = hp
        time server = yes
        unix extensions = yes
# modif 28/01/11 vvvv
        display charset = UTF-8
        unix charset = UTF-8
        dos charset = ISO8859-15
        log level = 1
        syslog = 0
        printing = cups
#       printcap name = /etc/printcap
        load printers = yes
#       veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/
#si le nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas, on utilise le guest account
        map to guest = Bad User
        max connections = 25
        max print jobs  = 30
        interfaces = 192.168.***.***/
        bind interfaces only = yes
        wins support = yes
        netbios name = ******
#        usershare allow guests = yes

        comment = Repertoire windows sous linux
        path = /linux/Partage
        browseable = yes
        writeable = yes
        create mode = 0777
        guest ok = yes
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