i wanted to let you know, that i got it fixed... so thanks to everyone who responded. The problem was (as you said) in SID. Unfortunately i didn't know anything about SID-s so i had to do a bit research about it. I decided to write what i did to fix it (in case someone else has the same problem).

1. i checked the current sid ("net getlocalsid" and "net getdomainsid")
2. since i didn't have a clue what my previous sid was, i did a bit of research. Finally, what i came up with was this.. on xp i used regedit.exe and went HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList there was list of all users who had logged onto this machine... there i noticed that if i remove last (4 i think) numbers I'd get the domain sid. From there i just found a user who hadn't logged in a long time and got the old sid. 3. changed the sid on PDC with "net setlocalsid sidgoeshere" and "net setdomainsid sidgoeshere" ("net setlocalsid S-1-5-21-1724097787-4134227269-272652245" for example) 4. Then i restarted samba and at first it seemed like it didn't work (so i tried to delete local copies of profiles and all kinds of things), but as it turns out it worked out fine. (i deleted NTUSER* files from a single profile and it seemed to work after that, but i don't think it was necessary, because i didn't do that /or anything else/ to other profiles/computer and they worked just fine on their own).

PS: Keyboard layout, images from desktop not opening, media player and adobe premiere not working.... all of that was solved with that as well.

@naxto: no need to get so offended. I did say i was a noob when it comes to Linux... so obviously i haven't even heard of virtualization techniques etc. (my idea of testing was to upgrade my laptop which had similar setup... and check /var/log for any errors.... but since i didn't have any client pc-s to test roaming profiles in my home... i failed). I wasn't trying to say, that samba screwed up my system... i know it was my fault... i just said, that it was related to samba (witch it was). Since I've accustomed to windows, i just installed updates without reading anything (didn't even know about changelogs), because like some ppl say... windows is for dumb-users :) so it usually warns during installation if updates contain some radical changes (again my fault for not knowing). I'm still learning to use Linux correctly, so if i gave you an impression, that i was dissing Samba or Linux (or their respective developers), then i'm sorry.

Now if u excuse me i'm gonna continue bouncing around the room with happiness, cuz my PDC works as it should again.

With gratitude,

10.03.2011 17:50, Jean-Jacques Moulis kirjutas:
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 13:45:17 +0200 Kalev Riivik<kal...@iisaku.edu.ee>  wrote:

KR>  >>  i upgraded debian from lenny to squeeze and i managed to mess up
KR>  >>  config file or update (cuz i'm quite noob when it comes to linux).
KR>  >>  I'm gonna try to explain best to my abillity, how i got where i am
KR>  >>  right now (bear in mind that this is my first time in this list).
KR>  >>  Since smbpasswd and pdbedit had mysteriously vanished after upgrade,
KR>  >>  i did reinstall to samba (3.5.6 PDC with roaming profiles). Since i
KR>  >>  did backup of entire /etc folder i put the old smb.conf back, but
KR>  >>  what happened was that nobody was able to log in (from xp). So what i
KR>  >>  had to do, was leave and rejoin the domain with all of the computers.
KR>  >>  After that it appeared that i had to input everyone's password again.
KR>  >>  Then some people were able to log in and others were not.... after a
KR>  >>  bit of research i found out that those people that couldn't log in
KR>  >>  had "special" (estonian) characters in their name (like äöüõ or šž
KR>  >>  etc), so i added "unix charset = UTF8" to the smb.conf and it seemed
KR>  >>  to work (later replaced UTF8 with ISO-8859-15 and it still worked).
KR>  >>
KR>  >>  The problem i'm having, is that when I (or anybody else) logs into xp
KR>  >>  machine with roaming profile, the default keyboard layout is set to
KR>  >>  US and they can't change it (but that might be because of gpedit
KR>  >>  policies i set up in xp machines). When i log in with local user (to
KR>  >>  xp) then keyboard is fine. I did try to find solution on the
KR>  >>  internet, but the posts i found about this problem were without
KR>  >>  answers. Any kind of help is appriciated
KR>  >>

to fix the keyboard issue (this as nothing to do with the upgrade of the server
but with the installation of the client and probably users didn't had the 
password they
thought they had)

run the following command on every client

reg.exe ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v 1 /t REG_SZ /d 0000041d /f
replace 0000041d (swedish) with the code for estonian. I leave that to you and 

Your other problem is that you probably didn't preserve the SID of you domain 
ended up with a new domain (that's why you needed to rejoin clients)
the profile of all your user is a new one
NTUSER.DAT contains now to sets of registry keys.
one corresponding to your old SID and the one to the new.

try to restore the original SID on the server.

Best regards!

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