Also check /var/cache/samba


On 03/30/2011 11:48 AM, Brian O'Mahony wrote:

However I have moved to using idmap_rid, as I will have cold standbys of 
machines that I want to be able to access SAN data, with the same IDs.

So how does one go about clearing the samba user cache? I had it set up with users starting 
at 10000. With RID I have now brought this down to 500 (so I can easily see the difference). 
I deleted the winbindd_* files&  folder in /var/lib/samba, but when I use a "getent 
passwd brian.omahony" its showing the id as 100000



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Gaiseric Vandal
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:28 PM
To: Samba
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba Authentication wrecking my head [ADS]

What version of samba?  I found that samba 3.0.x (as bundled with
solaris) had problems with idmap.  This was with LDAP backend, a Samba DC with 
trusts to Windows 2003 domain  (in  NT domain compatibility
mode.)  Samba would allocate idmap entries in ldap, and would populate the TDB 
cache files.  but when the cache timeout expired, the cache files were not 

Long and short- I don't think Samba 3.0.x plays nice with Windows
2003.   It doesn't work with Windows 2008 domains (2003 mode.)

On 03/30/2011 10:07 AM, Brian O'Mahony wrote:
After a bit of googling, I found that the idmap has been corrupted. Why 
would/could this happen?

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian O'Mahony
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:37 PM
Subject: [Samba] Samba Authentication wrecking my head [ADS]

Ive recently installed three servers with RHEL5u5. After some messing on the 
original, I got samba working with ADS authentication. I then went and got it 
working so that users could log in using their domain name&   password to the 
box. I got this working with both no restriction, and ADS group restriction. I have 
left it on no restriction wheil I get these systems up and running.

I then copied my configuration files (krb5.conf, samba.conf, system-auth.conf) 
to the second machine. Everything works.  Rebooted, everything is fine. System 
running as expected.

I copied to the third machine. Everything worked fine. I was able to log in 
using two users (mine and a colleagues). Set up some other machine stuff, 
rebooted, and passed the machine over.

I was then informed (naturally 5mins after I left the office) that there was something 
wrong. Those two accounts worked from both a samba perspective, and a login perspective. 
However a third account that was supposed to work, failed with "su: user ccadm does 
not exist". Now samba doesn't work for any user other than the original too, and the 
same goes for logins.

I tried net ads leave, kdestory, renaming the system, rebooting. I have 
rejoined the domain as both that system name, and a new one, with no issues:
[root@akbarTRAP log]# wbinfo -t
checking the trust secret via RPC calls succeeded [root@akbarTRAP
log]# net ads testjoin Join is OK [root@akbarTRAP log]# wbinfo -u |
grep ccadm Ccadm

So my questions are:

1.       Where the hell are these accounts being cached, that work.

2.       What the hell has happened to make this no longer work.

3.       Why if I can see all the users&   groups can I not log in, or get 
samba working.

This is really starting to get on my nerves. I just cannot understand why if it 
can see the users using wbinfo, why it is telling me they don't exist.

Would really appreciate some help on this.


[root@akbarTRAP etc]# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep winbind
passwd:     files winbind
shadow:     files winbind
group:      files winbind

[2011/03/30 14:29:03,  3] 
    [ 7381]: request interface version
[2011/03/30 14:29:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:787(winbindd_priv_pipe_dir)
    [ 7381]: request location of privileged pipe
[2011/03/30 14:29:03,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
    [ 7381]: getpwnam ccadm
[2011/03/30 14:29:05,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
    [ 7381]: getpwnam ccadm
[2011/03/30 14:29:05,  3] 
    [ 7381]: request interface version
[2011/03/30 14:29:05,  3] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:787(winbindd_priv_pipe_dir)
    [ 7381]: request location of privileged pipe
[2011/03/30 14:29:05,  3] winbindd/winbindd_pam.c:829(winbindd_pam_auth)
    [ 7381]: pam auth ccadm
[2011/03/30 14:29:05,  3] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:438(winbindd_getpwnam)
    [ 7381]: getpwnam ccadm

Secure log:
Mar 30 14:29:03 akbartrap sshd[7381]: Invalid user ccadm from Mar 30 14:29:03 akbartrap sshd[7382]:
input_userauth_request: invalid user ccadm Mar 30 14:29:05 akbartrap
sshd[7381]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown Mar 30
14:29:05 akbartrap sshd[7381]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication
failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= Mar 30 14:29:05 akbartrap sshd[7381]:
pam_winbind(sshd:auth): getting password (0x00000010) Mar 30 14:29:05
akbartrap sshd[7381]: pam_winbind(sshd:auth): pam_get_item returned a
password Mar 30 14:29:05 akbartrap sshd[7381]: pam_winbind(sshd:auth):
request wbcLogonUser failed: WBC_ERR_AUTH_ERROR, PAM error:
was: Wrong Password [I know the pass is right here. It works
elsewhere] Mar 30 14:29:05 akbartrap sshd[7381]:
pam_winbind(sshd:auth): user 'ccadm' denied access (incorrect password
or invalid membership) Mar 30 14:29:05
   bartrap sshd[7381]: pam_succeed_if(sshd:auth): error retrieving
information about user ccadm Mar 30 14:29:07 akbartrap sshd[7381]:
Failed password for invalid user ccadm from port 39699

# Global parameters
          workgroup = GROUP
          realm = MYDOMAIN.COM
          security = ads
          idmap uid = 10000-20000
          idmap gid = 10000-20000
          winbind use default domain = Yes
          winbind separator = /
          encrypt passwords = Yes
          log level = 3
          log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
          max log size = 50
          socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=16384 SO_SNDBUF=16384
          preferred master = No
          dns proxy = No
          wins server =
          template homedir = /home/%U
          template shell = /bin/bash

auth        required
auth        sufficient nullok try_first_pass
auth        sufficient use_first_pass
auth        requisite uid>= 500 quiet
auth        required

account     required
account     sufficient uid<   500 quiet
account     sufficient use_first_pass
account     required

password    requisite try_first_pass retry=3
password    sufficient md5 shadow nullok try_first_pass 
password    sufficient use_first_pass
password    required

session     optional revoke
session     required
session     [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond quiet 
session     required
session     required use_first_pass
session     required

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