As for diffs on Security and Advanced tab -- see MS.
(It's a feature...they don't show the exact same info...but close)...

Atomic vs Molecular permissions
Quoting from


(...) Although the exact permissions available depend on the particular version of Windows, these systems have two types of permissions, Molecular and Atomic. Molecular permissions, which are more high-level in nature, generally include ones such as the following:

- Full Control
- Modify
- Read-Execute
- Read
- Write
- Special Permissions (e.g., Take Ownership)

In contrast, Atomic (or Advanced) permissions are very granular in nature. They generally include the following types of access rights:

- Full Control
- Traverse Folder / Execute File
- List Folder / Read Data
- Read Attributes
- Read Extended Attributes
- Create Files/ Write Data
- Create Folders / Append Data
- Write Attributes
- Delete
- Read Permissions
- Change Permissions
- Take Ownership

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