Good evening,

On the bottom of page 53, section in the SNIA spec
(, it
states if the dialect is NT LM 0.12 and extended security is off (I.e.,
use "traditional" NTLMv2/NTLMv2 authentication w/o SecurityBlobs), the
SessionSetupAndX response  is as shown in section with a word
count = 4.  However, what I have noticed is this is not the case, but
rather, if you are doing NTLMv2 or NTLMv1 authentication w/o extended
security, the SessionSetupAndX is really the one shown in with a
word count = 3.  I tried this a few times, using NT4.0 + SP 6a client
against NT4.0 + SP 6a, and Win2k + SP 3 against the NT4.0 + SP 6a server
and all resulted in the same SessionSetupAndX response--the one shown in
section with a wc = 3.

Am I doing something funky to get this result or is this in fact an
issue in the spec?

thank you and enjoy the evening.

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