Hi all,

I need to mount a Windows share locally on my laptop. However, I cannot do this via

sudo mount -t smbfs //host_name/share_name /local_mount

because the host_name has two IP addresses with it as shown by nmblookup //host_name.

(That is, I try mounting and I'm given this error:
mount error(115): Operation now in progress
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) )

One IP address is a static one which the Windows computer uses to connect to another machine. The other IP address is a DHCP-given IP and is the one I need to connect to. I can mount the share if I use

sudo mount -t smbfs //dhcp_ip/share_name /local_mount

however, this is problematic for obvious reasons since I need the mount to be permanent (eventually going in fstab).

My question is: Is there a way to ignore the static IP address when mounting?

Further info: I can connect to the Windows machine using smbclient //host_name/share_name and browse just fine. Also, nautilus can browse the remote file system as well.

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