I didn't go too deeply on your issue, but it seems to me that since you have:

ldap user suffix = ou=People

You cannot simply have:

dn: uid=testu...@mydomain.com,ou=mydomain,o=ndtc

But should have instead:

dn: uid=testu...@mydomain.com,ou=People,ou=mydomain,o=ndtc

Am I wrong?

Nope. You're right. I have removed the "ou=People" line. Still no joy.

I suppose that you cannot simply remove it. You have to tell Samba where the user's container resides. Judging from your LDIF, your users seem to reside directly on ou=mydomain? Maybe you should look at the whole ldap arrangement...
The structure just doesn't seem right...

I hear you, but this existing structure is in production, and has been for several years. It isn't really going to change now, without really causing a whole lot of trouble.

New information: I finally got the username to be recognized. I have added "username map = /etc/samba/usermap.txt" in smb.conf, and added the entry "al...@mydomain.com = alexm" in usermap.txt. Eureka! The logs show that "Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [al...@mydomain.com]!".

Now, I just have to figure out how to make the groups work... I have about 50 groups that I need to process. When I try to add a new group using the smbldap-tool smbldap-addgroup, I get an error stating "failed to add entry: Attribute is not allowed : cn at /usr/share/ perl5/vendor_perl/smbldap_tools.pm line 789.". For some reason, it does not like the cn that is trying to be added to the dn: ou=Groups,ou=ndtel,o=ndtc, objectClass: organizationalUnit, ou: Groups organizational unit. Now, an OU is not allowed to have a cn, that's part of an organizational role or organizational person. So, I'll have to do some troubleshooting to find out what they intended, and make their scripts work properly. The docs aren't very up-to-date, so I'm fighting that a little.

Thanks for all the help so far, everyone...

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