
We're having trouble joining an AD domain with 3.6.5

This message when running net join looks fishy :
"got principal=not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore"

OS : Solaris 10 x64
Kerberos : MIT krb5 1.10.1
DC servers are running Windows 2008

The error message is :
./net join -U aranskis
Enter aranskis's password:
Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain 'CORP.NET'
over rpc: Logon failure
ADS join did not work, falling back to RPC...
Unable to find a suitable server for domain CORP
Unable to find a suitable server for domain CORP

with -d9, here's the hopefully relevant output :

ads_dns_lookup_srv: 18 records returned in the answer section.
namecache_store: storing 18 addresses for CORP.NET#1c:, [List of
DCs IP follows]
Successfully contacted LDAP server
got principal=not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore
SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
failed session setup with NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
    libnet_JoinCtx: struct libnet_JoinCtx
        out: struct libnet_JoinCtx
            account_name             : NULL
            netbios_domain_name      : NULL
            dns_domain_name          : NULL
            forest_name              : NULL
            dn                       : NULL
            domain_sid               : NULL
                domain_sid               : (NULL SID)
            modified_config          : 0x00 (0)
            error_string             : 'failed to lookup DC info for domain
'CIB.NET' over rpc: Logon failure'
            domain_is_ad             : 0x00 (0)
            result                   : WERR_LOGON_FAILURE

relevant configuration options :

        encrypt passwords = yes
        bind interfaces only = true
        interfaces = msusersncs

Any hints on the best way to try and figure out what is wrong when
trying to register in the AD ?
(the same config worked with samba 3.4.x, but the DCs were running Windows 2003)

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