Il 04/08/2012 21:13, steve ha scritto:

> In comparison, winbind seems overcomplicated and restrictive (and simply
> does not work with either Ubuntu nor openSUSE 3.6.3). It also seems very
> restricted in that we have turn off unix attributes and use wide links
> so we can symlink to the only available folder for unixHomeDirectory.
I can tell for sure that it works perfectly in Ubuntu 12.04LTS (IIRC the
exact version) w/ RID backend.
Uh? "wide links" seems a bad idea to me... At least from a security
Why a single home directory? We have a single NFS share containing
folders for the two domains and inside those a folder for each home.
We are trying to migrate away from that, preferring a '[homes]' share
where users will place the data they want to have available on every PC.
This way even Firefox should work...

> Anyway, I've not given up yet, but it really does look like winbind is
> past it's sell by date;)
Once you have it working, it's addictive :)

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