Dear All,

I have just implemented a new setup of centos 5.8 server to be used as a Linux 
file server using sambais 
The server is partitioned with the defaults
below is a df -k output

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     119885916   1174332 112523348   2% /
/dev/hda1               101086     12632     83235  14% /boot
tmpfs                  1029780         0   1029780   0% /dev/shm


I have created samba users and shares and everything is fine.

i have used webmin to achieve this

now I want to have quotas implemented on the shares that is both for users home 
share and group share

In webmin under system i dont see quota option

I have tried to install quota package with yum but still I dont see the quota 
option in webmin

appreciate if someone could help me and advise me or help me with some helpful 


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