2012-10-23 23:52 keltezéssel, Michael Wood írta:
Hi Marcio

On 23 October 2012 21:01, Marcio Oli <marcio.oli...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok Michalel, thanks.

But is not clear to me yet.
The samba PDCs and BDCs have obligation to be joined to domain?
In other words, I need to type a manual linux command within Samba Domain
Controllers (like: # net rpc join [DOMAIN] -U AdminUserofDomain) .
I think Geza was saying that you do (for Samba 3), but I have not run
a Samba 3 PDC/BDC before, so I am not the one to answer that question.


First: Thanks Michael for correcting my typo
Second: For Samba3 PDC/BDC there is no need to be joined to the domain, if you do not plan to use winbind on them (e.g. for trusted domains, or ldapsam:editposix stuff)

Hope that is clearer now.

2012/10/23 Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>

On 23 October 2012 16:48, Marcio Oli <marcio.oli...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Gémes!

     I'sorry about my ignorance, but what is a aka classic domain?
"aka classic domain now" (I think Geza meant to say "now" instead of
"not") means that the type of domain that Samba3 implements is now
"also known as" a "classic domain".

I hope my explanation helps :)

     My samba version is 3.5.10-116.el6_2.
     OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 / Linux

Best regards,

Marcio Oliveira.

2012/10/23 Gémes Géza <g...@kzsdabas.hu>

2012-10-22 20:10 keltezéssel, Marcio Oli írta:

        I think the question is simple, so anybody could help me with
       The questions are:

1. The samba PDCs and BDCs have obligation to be joined to domain?

In a samba3 (aka classic domain not)

Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>
Marcio Oliveira.
"Tudo concorre para o bem daqueles que amam à Deus." (Rom 8,28)

Geza Gemes
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