On 21 Mar 2013 at 8:14, Gerry Reno wrote:

> On 03/21/2013 05:29 AM, L.P.H. van Belle wrote:
> > DONT DO IT !!  
> >
> > This is Administrators 1ste rule !! 
> > NEVER, but then NEVER giver users Administrator/PowerUser rights. 
> >
> > Do not give the users ability to install software, wrong wrong... 
> >
> > This is you trojans/Virussus etc come in your computer. 
> >
> > and if you do give these rights, 
> > Do not install Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Java. ( especialy Java ) 
> >
> >
> > Its simpel, without Admin rights on users, you pc is about 90% more safer. 
> > if you also remove flash java adobe, you are about 99,5% safe. 
> >
> > If you have an application which needs extra rights. 
> > Do it save, how...  
> >
> > 1 create a network group voor this App.. example PHOTOSHOPRIGHTS 
> >
> > Set in het registry, on the photoshop, the domain group to able to write.
> > ( if needed, us a monitor tool to look which registry things need write 
> > access ) 
> >
> > Set on the folder ) c:\program files\Photoshop ) the domain group to write. 
> >
> > Now you have a hole on the pc, but no trojan/virus is able to install 
> > itself.
> >
> > Good luck.  
> >
> > Louis
> >
> >
> I would agree, Louis.
> Giving out local admin rights is pretty much sysadmin suicide.
Hasn't been yet, in 15 years of running a network that I built myself. I 
know the risks. Sometimes, bad things happen. They're not the end of the 
world. The stuff that needs to be protected is protected. That's why I need 
to give users *local* admin rights. The easy way would have been to make 
them all administrators, but I need them to *not* have domain admin rights 
for the very reasons you mention. If a particular machine gets toasted, it 
gets wiped and reinstalled. Takes a couple of hours, nothing that matters 
is lost, and everything is fine. Been there many times.

And we *can't* run our business without using certain software and web 
sites that were made by people who, let's be polite, made some design 
choices I wouldn't have made, that necessitate this.

Not everybody has the luxury of using purely technical criteria to decide 
what the "right" way to do things is.
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