On 13/04/13 23:32, Rowland Penny wrote:
On 13/04/13 20:22, steve wrote:
On 13/04/13 20:38, Rowland Penny wrote:
On 13/04/13 19:24, steve wrote:
On 13/04/13 18:49, François Lafont wrote:

Le 11/04/2013 22:39, Gémes Géza a écrit :

The easiest way to test out rfc2307 would be to provision a new domain
with samba-tool domain provision --use-rfc2307
--the-other-options-of-your-choice, and test a rfc2307 client against it. The difference is, that in this case the provisioning script loads a
schema file (ypServ30.ldif) which makes it easier to administer the
rfc2307 attributes using ADUC. [...]
Ok. I try this in a wheezy server:

samba-tool domain provision --realm=CHEZMOI.PRIV \
     --domain=CHEZMOI --server-role=dc --dns-backend=SAMBA_INTERNAL \
     --adminpass='+toto123' --use-rfc2307
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
samba-tool user add test1 "+test123"

Here is my smb.conf file after this commands:

# Global parameters
         workgroup = CHEZMOI
         realm = CHEZMOI.PRIV
         netbios name = WHEEZY-1
         server role = active directory domain controller
         dns forwarder =
         idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes

path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol/chezmoi.priv/scripts
         read only = No

         path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
         read only = No

But when I run:
ldbedit --url=/usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb cn=test1

# editing 1 records
# record 1
dn: CN=test1,CN=Users,DC=chezmoi,DC=priv
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: test1
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20130413162647.0Z
whenChanged: 20130413162647.0Z
uSNCreated: 3769
name: test1
objectGUID: 0d95a85f-92d9-425c-8ddf-bcdb401a1c99
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
badPasswordTime: 0
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid: S-1-5-21-3595212667-731548510-1075401445-1103
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 0
sAMAccountName: test1
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: te...@chezmoi.priv
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=chezmoi,DC=priv
pwdLastSet: 130103440070000000
userAccountControl: 512
uSNChanged: 3771
distinguishedName: CN=test1,CN=Users,DC=chezmoi,DC=priv

I have no "objectClass: posixAccount" entry and then no "uidNumber", "gidNumber" attribute. Is it normal?

I thought that "use-rfc2307" option allowed to create "posixaccount" users. Isn't It the case?

You still have to add the objects. Yourself! I think provsioning with the rfc2307 option allows you to use the windows tools instead of using ldbedit or ldif's. If you just want uid:gid you can use ldbedit like you have above and

add e.g.
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 20513

to Domain Users

then, e.g.
objectClass posixAccount
uidNumber: 3000100
gidNumber: 20513

to each of your users. With a different uid for each user of course. You then decide how to get the uid:gid out of AD. There's another thread here at the moment about how or how not to do that.

Hi, You do not need the posix objectclasses, you can add the uidNumbers etc without them.


Yes, but please be careful. The Samba4 LDAP allows you to add uidNumber without the class from the schema which provides it. In this case posixAccount. However, the uidNumber in that case will just be ignored. e.g. it will not show in getent passwd.

I'm not certain but I think in openldap with the rfc2307 schema, it would be an error: you wouldn't be able to do it.

@Rowland. Maybe your method with sssd doesn't need uidNumber to be present in AD?

Hi Steve, I thought like you until someone posted either on here or on the technical list that windows does not use the posix objectclasses, and as Samba 4 AD is supposed to be exactly like windows AD, then obviously you do not need them. If they were required, you would not be able to add the uidNumbers etc, it would just error out. If you are having problems pulling the uidNumber with nss-ldapd without the posix objectclasses, then this might be because nss-ldapd was written for ldap but AD != LDAP. All I can say is sssd works without the posix objectclasses.


Thanks Rowland. I'd no idea that windows didn't need the classes but as I came from a Linux openldap background I understood that as you quite rightly say, that openldap wouln't allow you to add uidNumber without posixAccount. For the record, nss-ldapd _does_ require the class to be present. If it isn't then as far as ldapd is concerned, the user doesn't exist.

Well, that's the end of another 48 hour day. Why do we do this!

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