Using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32-bit. Tried following the wiki to install an 
additional DC in an existing AD domain. Here are the steps I took:

1.       Installed the Ubuntu prerequisites and then I built from source. It 
compiled and installed successfully to /usr/local/samba

2.       Skipped Step 1 Provision Samba according to the wiki It's not required 
to install as an additional DC in existing domain

3.       Went to step 2 Starting your Samba AD DC located here:

4.       Set /etc/krb5.conf with the following:


 dns_lookup_realm = true

 dns_lookup_kdc = true

 default_realm = mydomain.local

5.       Ran kinit Administrator and put in the domain admin password and I got 
absolutely no output. The command ran and I got no error or any indication that 
anything happened. Apparently I'm supposed to get something like this:

6.  Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0

7.  Default principal: administrator@mydomain.local


9.  Valid starting     Expires            Service principal

10.11/11/12 17:29:51  11/12/12 03:29:51  krbtgt/

Additionally, running /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba does nothing also. When I c 
heck for any samba running processes I get nothing. I'm stuck. I would 
appreciate some assistance on this.

Thanks a lot
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