I have a RedHat 7.2 (2.4.9-13) box running Samba (2.2.7).

The box is a PDC for a couple of Win2k Pro SP4 boxes and
serves a couple of shares.

My problem is that, after rebooting a Win2k client, the
client can't access the shares any more.

If I try to access the shares, I am presented with a logon
dialog which won't accept any domain userids/password.

I checked the log files and noticed a couple of things that
I feel might be relevant:

- change_to_user: Invalid vuid used 100

- references to the userid "guest". I am logging on to the
  Win2k client with a userid that is not a "guest" account.

If I restart Samba (service smb restart) then everything
goes back to normal, until the next time I reboot the Win2k

Any suggestions appreciated.

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