Fine. Use reiserfs and don't worry about ctime.

But reiserfs doesn´t support ACLs. Does it?

Oh yes, it does. Big way.


I was under the impression that if i wanted acls, i should use xfs, ext3 (or jsf i believe) but NOT reisersf.

Am I wrong? Does (for example) SuSE 8.2 with reisersf support acls out-of-the-box?

And another, related, question:

Which fs w/ acls do you (the experts here) recommend? I know that there are several alternatives, but which one has your preference, and why? (keeping things like maturity, stablity, various degrees of acl support (i don't know...?), ease of backup, all these sorts of things in mind)

As I am about to upgrade our nt4 domain, and this is the time to take decisions like that. I would like to use SuSE 82 w/ reiserfs, * if it supports acls* (and I was under the impression that it didn't)

mourik jan

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