
A straight-out-of-the-cd Slackware 9.
A straight-out-of-the-tar Samba 3.0.0.

# cd source
# ./configure --with-automount --with-smbmount
(...configure ran...)
# make
(...make ran...)
# du
... What?? The bin/ directory amounted to over 400 MB!
smbd over 24 MB, when the 2.3.x one I have is 1.7 MB?

I presumed it erroneously linked all the libraries as static. So I did:

# ./configure --with-smbmount --with-automount --enable-shared 
--with-shared-modules=pdb_smbpasswd,pdb_tdbsam,pdb_guest,(.....all modules that I 
could name...)
# make
Linking bin/smbd
smbd/uid.o(.text+0xf9): In function `check_user_ok':
/root/instalki/samba-3.0.0/source/smbd/uid.c:76: undefined reference to 
smbd/process.o(.text+0x1364): In function `timeout_processing':
/root/instalki/samba-3.0.0/source/smbd/process.c:1223: undefined reference to 
smbd/service.o(.text+0xe69): In function `make_connection_snum':
/root/instalki/samba-3.0.0/source/smbd/service.c:563: undefined reference to 
undefined reference to `share_access_check'
rpc_server/srv_pipe.o(.text+0x39ac): In function `get_pipe_fns':
/root/instalki/samba-3.0.0/source/rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:1567: undefined reference to 
 undefined reference to `lsa_ds_get_pipe_fns'
(...and another screenful of other errors followed...)

How should I compile/link it, then, to avoid getting either 20-meg
binaries, or linking errors??

 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/   WWW: http://none :(
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    E-M: maxxx[at]
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\   ICQ: 3146019
"After you vomit, you rinse your mouse and if you can eat, eat."
(Japanese tips)   

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