Hallo first you should copy and paste the importent part of the error_log
file in your mail.
Therefor you should run the cupsd in debug modus(normally this is in info
The error_log is in /var/log/cups/ .
To change from info to debug modus look in the /etc/cups/cups.conf .

mfg Markus

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald (Jerry) Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Des Dougan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Problems printing from Windows 2000

> Hash: SHA1
> Des Dougan wrote:
> | I run a small network at home, with a Linux server, which shares files
> | and a printer. I also have a Linux PC (RH 9, KDE 3.1, CUPS 1.1.17) from
> | which I am trying to share a Lexmark 3200 inkjet.
> |
> | Samba (2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix) seems to be generally configured OK -
> | I can print to the Lexmark from a Windows 98 system, and from another PC
> | running Mandrake 9.1. However, I am unable to print from two Windows
> | 2000 PCs. I can see the printer, view its properties (although I can't
> | change any). However, any time I try to print, it spools 96 bytes and
> | then the PC goes to 100% CPU and requires to be restarted.
> |
> | I have been working on the assumption that it is a security/rights
> | problem, but I've exhausted all the various checks I have researched.
> |
> | Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening here?
> Look at the network traffic.  See the the client has gone
> into a loop sending the same request to the Samba box over and over.
> cheers, jerry
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