I have a Samba 2.2.7a PDC (with an OpenLDAP backend) that seems to be giving
me trouble.  Here's the scoop:

I have Windows 2000 Pro clients running Word 2000.  Over the past several
days, a lot of them have had trouble with their documents - most of the time
during a save.

The most critical of these failures presents the following error message
when saving:

"Word has lost data due to a bad network connection or missing floppy.
Documents relying on this data are going to be saved and then closed."

The only option on this dialog is to select "OK" and word commence to save a
"rescue document".  This takes a VERY long time - in excess of 10 minutes.
Immediately following that process Word presents us with another error

"There is an unrecoverable disk error file <File Name of Current Document>.
The disk you're working on has a media problem that prevents Word from using
it.  Try the following:

Try Formatting another disk.
Save the document to another disk."

Then Word goes and saves a files called Rescued Document <#>.txt in the
user's My Documents folder.  Looking at this file is worthless as it appears
to be hex-code or something.  This basically ends up with the user loosing
work - a total of about 9 hours over the past three days in this most
extreme case.

I have scoured the mailing lists, Google'd for possibilities but have been
unable to come up with any solution.  I'm hoping someone here has run into
this and may be able to point me in the right direction.

I have included the smb.conf file from the server in question below - in
case it helps.  The problem files are stored in home, admin and projects
# --       Nesbitt Engineering, Inc. Stargazer Samba Configuration
# This is the main Samba configuration file for Stargazer - NEI's Primary
# Domain Controller and Lexington office File Server.
# This configuration file is only to be used for an LDAP enabled server that
# will be acting as a PDC.  Modifications will be required for member
# and machine that will act as "BDCs".
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash) 
# is a comment and is ignored. In this file we have used a #
# for commentary and a ; for parts of the config file that are
# either not enabled yet, or temporarily disabled
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not made any basic syntactic errors. 
# "Fear the Penguin!"
#   -- Kevin L. Collins
#      Systems Manager
#      Nesbitt Engineering, Inc.
# Changelog:
# Date - Version - Change
#                * Info about change
# 10/14/04 - 1.1 - Added "veto oplock files" directives to the homes, admin
#                  projects shares in the hope of solving MS Word problems.
# 06/04/03 - 1.0 - Original Creation

#============================= Global Settings
# Server Name and description
   workgroup = nesbitt.local
   netbios name = stargazer
   server string = Stargazer - Lexington File Server

# Samba log information
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   max log size = 0

# Security information
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   unix password sync = Yes
   passwd program = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-passwd.pl -o %u
   passwd chat = *New*Password* %n\n *Retype*New*Password* %n\n

# To help performance
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

# Settings for PDC setup
   local master = yes
   os level = 80
   domain master = yes
   preferred master = yes
   domain logons = yes
   logon path = 

# Activate these Network Services
   wins support = yes
   time server = yes

# LDAP Declarations -- Needed to allow the LDAP backend to work
   ldap suffix = dc=nesbitt,dc=local
   ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=nesbitt,dc=local
   ldap port = 389
   ldap server =
   ldap ssl = no
   add user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %m
   domain admin group = " @"Domain Admins" "

# Oplocks settings - disable all oplocks for compatibility reasons
   oplocks = no
   level2 oplocks = no
   kernel oplocks = no

#============================= Share Definitions
   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   write list = @"domain admins"
   share modes = no

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes
   valid users = %S
   create mode = 0664
   directory mode = 0775
   veto oplock files = \*.tmp\*.TMP\

   comment = Administrative Files
   path = /npdata/admin
   writable = yes
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777
   veto oplock files = \*.tmp\*.TMP\

   comment = Files to be Archived
   path = /npdata/archives
   writeable = yes
   valid users = @"domain admins" @"project management" kcollins bmcgregor
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

   comment = NEI Custom AutoCAD and Eagle Point Files
   path = /npdata/cadfiles
   writable = yes
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

[county maps]
   comment = Raster Versions of County Maps
   path = /images/county
   writeable = yes
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

   comment = Various Windows Drivers
   path = /npdata/drivers
   read only = yes
   write list = @"domain admins" kcollins bmcgregor
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

   comment = Accounting Data
   path = /account/finance
   writable = yes
   valid users = @"domain admins" @"senior management" accounting
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

   comment = Lexington Project Data
   path = /pdata/projects
   writeable = yes
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777
   veto oplock files = \*.tmp\*.TMP\
   comment = Raster Versions of USGS Quads
   path = /images/quads
   writable = yes
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

   comment = Timeslips Data
   path = /account/timeslips
   writable = yes
   valid users = @"clerical staff" @"domain admins" accounting
   create mode = 0777
   directory mode = 0777

Kevin L. Collins, MCSE
Systems Manager
Nesbitt Engineering, Inc. 
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