Hallo rruegner, 

> Hi,
> i tested autoit from samba netlogon and it works like charme
> for sure you have to be admin for several programs but you can start any
> install
> with "run as" funktion if desired.
> your service idea with firestarter seems to me a very good idea, i will
> include that in my thoughts
> to universal deployment.
> i think if more people would share to this problem a gnu deployment system
> like "netinstall" should be possible
> i wonder that there are not many projects about that

Hmm, a cool Solution could be a port of the rpm or dpkg Packetsystem as 
a Windows Service with Admin Privilegs.

So you have all the good things like in Linux like

- Versioning
- Dependens
- pre/post Skripts

and so on.


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