I have encountered this error:
cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it.
26595: protocol negotiation failed
SMB connection failed

when I am attempting to mount a windows xp machine from a linux machine:
mount -t smbfs //machine/share /root/smb_mnt -o

I have looked through the archives and found the following information
concerning this problem, with their attempted solutions:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg25796.html
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg25802.html

The possible solution appears to be:

>What does your smb.conf say about signing?  Have you disabled it?
>'client signing = yes'
>should do the trick.
>Andrew Bartlett

I have enabled this option, and it has not resolved the problem:
I have looked through all online references/mailing lists via google, and
have not found a working solution.

I am running smbclient version:
Version 3.0.0-Debian

Here is my smb.conf file:
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
        obey pam restrictions = yes
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY
        wins server = xxx.xx.xxx.xx
        encrypt passwords = yes
        passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
        passdb backend = smbpasswd guest
        dns proxy = no
        netbios name = MYHOSTNAME
        server string = %h server (Samba %v)
        invalid users = root
        workgroup = MYDOMAIN
        security = domain
        syslog = 0
        panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
        max log size = 1000
        #client use spnego = yes
        client signing = yes
        server signing = yes
        #client NTLMv2 auth = yes
        use client driver = yes

Replace MYDOMAIN,MYHOSTNAME,wins server, with my correct information.

Any advice you can give me concerning this is much appreciated.


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