I'm trying to map my LDAP groups to Windows Groups, but I'm not having any luck. Here is a group I'm trying to map:

dn: cn=dom_admin,ou=Groups,dc=wdselab
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
objectClass: posixGroup
gidNumber: 1000
cn: dom_admin
memberUid: dom_admin
description: Domain Admininistrators Group
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-835892245-73647866-3919785651-512
sambaGroupType: 2

but when I do a net groupmap command, I get this error over and over again:

ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)

What DN syntax is being used for this search? How do I modify it/fix this problem?

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