> But if I user lowercase, it works. I wasn't aware of a restriction on
> creating uppercase usernames. Is this supposed to happen?
> Anyone else know why my machine accounts aren't getting migrated?
> Pretty please?


What flavor of Linux are you using.  I just did a migration using Samba
3.0 and RedHat ES 3.0.  I ran into the same problem.  That is because
RedHat does not allow you to create user names with uppercase letters. 
The other problem I had was with group names.  The way I got around it was
to write my own scripts that change the machine name from upper to lower
case.  I put the reference in the smb.conf:  add machine script =

This is the script:**********************************************

# Script to  add machines

# Checks to see if a command line argument was passwd
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
        echo .
        echo "Did not pass an argument on the command line"
        echo "usage: conv.sh \"THIS is a TEST\""
        echo .
        exit 0

# Passes the command line argument. Reduces the string length and converts
to lower case


#This is the section in which you call the useradd and pass the Unix
compliant name

/usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -s /sbin/nologin -d /dev/null $lower
exit 0


> It doesn't make any difference if I run the above script or not. The
> creation of the machine trust account still fails. Interestingly, if I
> run manually:
> useradd DKASAK$
> I get the error:
> useradd: invalid user name 'DKASAK$'
> But if I user lowercase, it works. I wasn't aware of a restriction on
> creating uppercase usernames. Is this supposed to happen?
> Anyone else know why my machine accounts aren't getting migrated?
> Pretty please?
> Dan
> --
> Daniel Kasak
> IT Developer
> NUS Consulting Group
> Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
> North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
> T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
> website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au
> --
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