Yeah. I explicitly state "encrypt passwords = no" in the smb.conf file and testparm confirms it. :(


Does testparm report that encrypt passwords is no?  The default has
changed to yes in samba 3.  I don't know if this would affect you, I run
in security = DOMAIN and haven't done much with security = USER.

~ Daniel

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Moran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba 3 with Unix passwd authentication?

Andrew Bartlett wrote: > It should work just the same. But things work better if you can


> the windows domain, so that users can use encrypted passwords (or
> maintain a local smbpasswd file)
> Andrew Bartlett

Nope.. For some reason, Samba 3 does not seem to be able to


me as a local user where Samba 2.2.7 does.

I am on a Red Hat 9 box.  I am using the SRPM I downloaded from the and rebuilt on this box.  The configure options of the
SRPM are:

CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS $EXTRA" ./configure \
        --prefix=%{prefix} \
        --localstatedir=/var \
        --with-configdir=/etc/samba \
        --with-privatedir=/etc/samba \
        --with-fhs \
        --with-quotas \
        --with-smbmount \
        --with-pam \
        --with-pam_smbpass \
        --with-syslog \
        --with-utmp \
        --with-sambabook=%{prefix}/share/swat/using_samba \
        --with-swatdir=%{prefix}/share/swat \

The client error I'm getting back is: session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

The server error I see in the log files:

[2004/02/12 10:40:19, 2] auth/pampass.c:smb_pam_auth(514)
  smb_pam_auth: PAM: Athentication Error for user andy
[2004/02/12 10:40:19, 2] auth/pampass.c:smb_pam_error_handler(73)
  smb_pam_error_handler: PAM: Authentication Failure : Authentication
[2004/02/12 10:40:19, 0] auth/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(810)
  smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User andy !

There is also a bit where it's checking ntlm_password which fails too:

[2004/02/12 10:40:19, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(312)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [andy] -> [andy]



As far as I can tell, /etc/pam.d/samba are the same in both versions.. But it works with Samba 2.2.7a. Strange?


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