Hi there;

[apologies if this has already been posted, if so can someone point me in the right 

Experiencing problem with a w2k client listing content of a share on a samba server.

I have Redhat 9 running Samba 2.2.7 release 7.9.0.
I have various w2k clients connecting to a share downloading files nightly. [via WAN 
not LAN] 
I am experiencing a problem on a w2k client, where it is unable to list the contents 
of a share.

The w2k client is able to see the samba server and it's shares via:
        net view //smb_svr
and it is able to connect to the visible shares e.g.:
        net use t: //smb_svr/share

When I try dir t:/  the client takes a while and returns with nothing.

I have upgraded and tested on various versions of (2.2.7 release 7.9.0 and 8.9.0, 
2.2.8, 3.0.2) with the same result.
I am able to connect to other shares with less content, and it lists ok, does any one 
have any idea what might be wrong....?

thanks in advance.....

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