Try this:  

auth       sufficient debug
auth       required service=system-auth
account    sufficient debug
account    sufficient service=system-auth
password   required service=system-auth
session    required service=system-auth
session    required
session    optional

Once winbind passes and is sufficient the rest of the checks in that "stack"
are skipped.  If you run the pam_unix check first and it fails then the
stack will fail regardless.


-----Original Message-----
From: McNally, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:47 PM
Subject: [Samba] pam_winbind succeeds but pam_unix fails !

Hi, I am attempting to authenticate ssh access against users in active
directory using winbind + pam . Unfortunately all they receive is
"permission denied, please try again". A tail -f of /var/log/messages
reveals :

Apr 30 12:32:41 HOST sshd(pam_unix)[3011]: check pass; user unknown
Apr 30 12:32:41 HOST sshd(pam_unix)[3011]: authentication failure; logname=
uid=0 euid=0 tty=NODEVssh ruser= rhost=localhost.localdomain 
Apr 30 12:32:41 HOST pam_winbind[3011]: Verify user `DOMAIN+bob'
Apr 30 12:32:42 HOST pam_winbind[3011]: user 'DOMAIN+bob' granted acces

The server users are sshing to is running samba 3.0.2 of Fedora core 1. as a
domain member server. wbinfo and getent commands work correctly on the samba
server, and chown files as active directory users works. I know I have
missed something simple, but for the life of me, I can't find what it is


auth       required service=system-auth
auth       sufficient debug
account    sufficient service=system-auth
account    sufficient debug
password   required service=system-auth
session    required service=system-auth
session    required
session    optional


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