Tony Whitmore schrieb:
Jonathan Johnson wrote:

Does anyone know of a place where I can find sample scripts for use
with Samba?

Looking thru smb.conf we have these options:

    add user script
    delete user script
    add group script
    delete group script
    add user to group script
    delete user from group script
    set primary group script
    add machine script
    shutdown script
    abort shutdown script
    logon script

There are probably others that I'm missing.

I think this is a really good idea. I've put some bash scripts on my website at but they're fairly crude. More experienced Samba admins out there must have more powerful sets of scripts to share! :)


the use of this scripts depends on your setup, and they are not equal to ever nix system, so study samba man, for ldap you find examples merged from idealix in the samba source

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