Alan Munday wrote:

Thanks to everyone for their LDAP recommendations. But as my luck would have it, I managed to crash my Whitebox server. The X server just never starts up. And this happened after I installed Firefox 0.9.3 to /usr/lib/firefox. As soon as I did that my server crashed. With the number of problems I am encountering with my Linux server I think I am just going to reinstall everything. My gnome-desktop has crashed at least a dozen times in the last month (and the machine has been running only for that long).

Try checking the directory tree where you installed firefox to.

I had a bunch of directories disappear around /usr/local/ when I installed


I guess I posted this to the wrong list but thanks for your reply. One thing I am unable to understand is which directory is equivalent to Windows "Program Files" where all users have common programs installed for use. I tried to install Firefox to the same directory sturcture where Mozilla is installed and BOOM. But I guess that is a question for general Linux lists. If you prefer you can continue to post your reply directly to me.

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