smbfs is not the same as Samba - they use although the same net protocol. You can try to put files into share with smbclient to see if Samba also has the same problem, but if it's smbfs specific you will need to go to the correct maintainer. You can also try to mount share with CIFS - they say it provides much better results than smbfs.


Nigel Roberts wrote:
Here's a curly one.

I have a share mounted via smbfs on my linux desktop. This share is on
a NetApp filer somewhere, but I've also tried this on a an old linux
server as well, and I have the same problem.

Basically, since day light savings came into effect here (NZDT or
+13), any file I create on the share gets a time creation timestamp
that is way out (approximately 12 hours and 48 minutes behind). This
really confuses applications that rely on these times for normal
operation, such as emacs.

If I create a file on the local file system, it gets the correct date.

Here's an example:

first local:

$ date && touch new && ls -l new
Tue Oct  5 17:18:41 NZDT 2004
-rw-r--r--  1 nigelr nigelr 0 2004-10-05 17:18 new

and then the remote samba share:

$ date && touch new && ls -l new
Tue Oct  5 17:17:22 NZDT 2004
-rwxr--r--  1 nigelr nigelr 0 2004-10-05 04:30 new

The date on both the servers are correct as they are using the same
ntp time source as my desktop. If I create a file using windows to
access the share, it get's the correct date (and it reads as the
correct date using linux as well).

I'm using version 3.0.7 of the samba tools and I have a linux

Anyone seen anything like this before? Any suggestions?


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