Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hi Thomasz,

The only solution I'm aware of is MS Active Directory (distributed software installation)...

Which needs a MS Windows 2000/2003 Server, and that's exactly what I wanted to omit using Samba. ;-)

If you just want to install a system + your applications, try Unattended (unattended.sf.net).

Do you know if unattended can install some software afterwards, or has the whole system to be reinstalled as soon as I change something in my package list?

unattended itself can't - but I'm sure people at its mailing groups will have some knowledge - I saw some of the topics there is about automatic software installation, also after OS is installed.

so - who starts the topic there, you or me? :)

BTW, http://unattended.sourceforge.net/installers.html is very interesting!

yep, you can learn a bit from it :)

there is also a scripting language, Kixtart - http://www.kixtart.org/ - which I've heard is capable of doing such stuff - but never used it (see my topic "netlogon scripts for machines / groups - possible?" from 04.11.04 on samba*lists.samba.org).

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