Ganael Laplanche wrote:
Hi all,

I've been working on shell scripts that allow to manage ldap accounts (users,
groups, machines).
Very cool. LDAP configuration is always an interesting beast, and I welcome a set of tools to deal with them other the the smbldap-tools.
They are similar to the smbldap-tools but do not need PERL to
work (and so on...)
cool! i am not a perl fan. don't wanna start any language wars or anything. but sometimes its a pain to have to install a bunch of pre-req modules in order to run the thing and then you find out it doesn't do what you want. but i digress :)

and are *very* simple to configure - they may be a good
alternative. The only tools you need are standard ldap client commands (ldapadd,
ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapsearch).
cool cool. should be portable across lots of platforms then. anything that openldap is on should be usable.

The scripts can be used as standalone commands or within Samba configuration :

add machine script = /usr/local/bin/ldapaddmachine '%u' sambamachines
add user script = /usr/local/bin/ldapadduser '%u' sambausers
add group script = /usr/local/bin/ldapaddgroup '%g'
add user to group script = /usr/local/bin/ldapaddusertogroup '%u' '%g'
delete user script = /usr/local/bin/ldapdeleteuser '%u'
delete group script = /usr/local/bin/ldapdeletegroup '%g'
delete user from group script = /usr/local/bin/ldapdeleteuserfromgroup '%u' '%g'
set primary group script = /usr/local/bin/ldapsetprimarygroup '%u' '%g'

ooooo. nice.

(see README file for more details)

For those who want to give a try, you can find the tarball of ldapscripts v1.0
here :

Just extract the tarball and type in "./install" as root...

These scripts are in early version, so feel free to send bug reports and any
feedback !

will do. thank you for your valuable contribution of time and code to the samba community.



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