!!! You solved my problem. Thanks a lot!!!
I had to remove samba completely and reinstall the new version.

I run a test environment and will do so until fall, but what happens if
problems appear in the real environment?

Shall I wait until testing become stable? This was not a Debian package error
was it? Did someone else here have the same problem with a tarball?

I will also make a BDC but what if I miss to test something and make the same
mistake on the PDC?

How did you role back to older version of samba?
The only way I know is if you save old source package. Remove new package and
install old version with the dpkg i “packagename”. Is that how you did it?


Hi peter, i had the same problem with 3.0.10 to 3.0.14a-1 (I use debian)
so I went back to 3.0.10.   When they released 3.0.14a-2 I installed it
and worked perfectly

smb.conf have the “ldap ssl = start tls” setting but it seams like
samba at
some point suddenly stopped having support for the tls option.
I can successfully do a:
ldapsearch –x –ZZ
My ldap account for samba is cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se
I’ve added the password to secret.tdb
I can successfully do a:
ldapsearch –x –ZZ –h localhost –D cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se –W

As soon as I start use samba I get the tls problem. When I start samba I
get the
following error in my syslog:

May 30 14:21:21 frodo slapd[6242]: connection_read(12): unable to get TLS
DN, error=49 id=234
May 30 14:21:21 frodo smbd[11539]: [2005/05/30 14:21:21, 0]
May 30 14:21:21 frodo smbd[11539]:   Failed to issue the StartTLS
Connect error
May 30 14:21:21 frodo smbd[11539]: [2005/05/30 14:21:21, 1]
May 30 14:21:21 frodo smbd[11539]:   Connection to LDAP server failed for
the 1

Testparm doesn’t show any errors.

I don’t know how samba connect to the ldap server but I assume it uses
and here it is:
HOST frodo.dbb.su.se
BASE dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se

rootbinddn cn=nssldap,ou=DSA,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se

nss_base_passwd         ou=Users,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se?one
nss_base_passwd         ou=Computers,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se?one
nss_base_shadow         ou=Users,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se?one
nss_base_group          ou=Groups,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se?one

##ssl no
pam_password md5

tls_checkpeer yes
TLS_CACERT /etc/ldap/ca.pem
##tls_cacertfile /etc/ldap/ca.pem ####have never worked for some reoson
ssl start_tls
tls_cert /etc/nssldapcets/nssldap.pem
tls_key /etc/nssldapcets/nssldap.key

This also works:
ldapsearch –x –ZZ –h localhost –D cn=nssldap,ou=DSA,dc=dbb,dc=su,dc=se –W

I have nssldap password in ldap.secret

# - The End

I’m totally lost. Any idée is appreciated.



Peter Nyberg
Institutionen för Biokemi och Biofysik (DBB)
Sv.Arrhenius vägen 12
106 91 Stockholm
Tel: 08-16 24 69--
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Peter Nyberg
Institutionen för Biokemi och Biofysik (DBB)
Sv.Arrhenius vägen 12
106 91 Stockholm
Tel: 08-16 24 69
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