Geoff Scott wrote:
John H Terpstra wrote:

On Wednesday 22 June 2005 22:53, Geoff Scott wrote:

populations IT knowledge!)

In your smb.conf [global] set:

        server string = MADMAX

That will stop display of the samba version info. You will have to
clear the connection history from ALL Windows clients - they remember
the old server string and do not refresh it.
- John T.

Yep, I had a server string in there for a week already.  And did a reload,
but nothing changed.  It's been showing "Samba 3.0.7" in the window title
bars for ages even though I've been on 3.0.14a for a while.

So do I completely restart all smbd processes, or do I have to restart every
windows box before the server string (windows title bar) changes?

Regards Geoff Scott

I must apologize that I am causing confusion with my less that clear first query.

Ok, I have set server string = ROI Fileserver and that is working.

I will try and post a web page with pictures of what is bugging me tonight (at least 12 hours away unfortunately).

In the meantime here is my problem when browsing with Windows XP.

If i connect directly to the Samba server in Windows. IE: Set Windows explorer to got to: \\roipdc The title bar of Windows explorer says: "ROI-Fileserver (roipdc)" and the page shows all the appropriate shares. So that is good.

However, if I double click on an open share. (The share is called "apps" in this case.) The title bar of Windows explorer then says: "apps on Samba 3.0.14-2 (roipdc)" THAT IS WHAT is bugging me. I do not want to see "Samba 3.0.14-2" here, I want to have this set to something else.

Based on comments I added a comment = string to the GLOBAL section. Here is the relavent section of the smb.conf file:

        workgroup = mygroup
        netbios name = roipdc
        server string = ROI Fileserver
        comment = ROI Primary Fileserver

I was hoping the comment string would replace the "Samba 3.0.14-2" comment. I shut down all Windows boxes. I shut down the Samba fileserver. (Heck I powered off the entire network...) I then powered up the server and then a single windows box. Yet the Samba 3.0.14-2 comment is still there.

As I said, I will post screen captures of this tonight onto a webpage for review in case my description above is lacking.

Comments or suggestions?

And thank you to everyone posting suggestions. I have used Samba since 1997 and love it. I just want to figure out how to make a small change with the way it works with Windows XP to lessen confusion with end users. It is a question that comes up frequently enough lately I thought I would ask on the Samba mailing list.


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