I am having this issue, running Fedora Core 2.  None of my clients can
access the mapped Samba drives from within MS Office applications like
Outlook 2000 and Word.  Running both XP and 2K.  Waiting on McAfee to
get back with me.  Any ideas or experience you folks have that might
be useful here?


On Tue, March 15, 2005 12:30 pm, Jeremy Allison said:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:04:40AM -0600, Mark Nehemiah wrote:
>> After our mcafee ASAP product updated last night, users can not access
>> samba shares from  some applications.  I believe this to be mcafee
>> problem, and am on hold  with tech-supp right now.
>> Here's the problem as I know so far.
>> Windows Explorer works fine all drives.
>> SolidWorks cannot access the root of any samba drive.
>> FrontPage cannot access the root of any samba drive.
>> Uninstall mcafee, problems go away.
> What version of Samba, what server, what applications. Trace please ?
> Jeremy.
Hi Jeremy,
                  Samba on the server is out of date, v 3.0.5.  After
finally (1+hr on hold) getting to talk to mcafee
support,  seems it is about a buffer overflow
possiblility.   They told us to log on to their support
site, and check some option to not check for buffer
overflows and things should be fine.  Well their site
has been down all-day so far for maintenance.  (Makes me
really want to digress about ASAPand online
applications)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So we have a
locally installed anti-virus product that we cannot
change the options in.  (at least  until they are back
online.)  Really stinks, as this has affected about 35
users automagically overnight.     Also got me thinking
now.  Is this a buffer overflow in samba or uSoft smb
client?  If it's in samba, why would mcafee software
care????  I'm not running mcafee on the samba server?

Anyway, let me know if you do still want anything, seems like it's
probably not worth the time.

It is definately strange behaviour as it is only some applications that
get denied access.  You can browse anywhere with explorer with no


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