You are sending all the output to a single bash shell so only one
command gets executed. You need to figure out a way to execute
the "awk | bash" for each line of users.csv

Something like the following should work

#! /bin/bash

cat users.csv | while  read ;
echo $REPLY | awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}{print "smbpasswd -a -s "$1"\n"$3"\n"$3"\n"}' | /bin/bash

Jack Mendez wrote:
i am using a script with awk which only works to add the first user from
my csv file.
when running with out the -s switch the output seems to be correct using
echo to test.

here is the script

cat users.csv |awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}{print "echo smbpasswd -a -s
"$1"\n"$3"\n"$3"\n"}' |/bin/bash

this script successfuly adds the first user.
when using the -s switch.

when i tried this same script with out the -s switch the output is like this.
smbpasswd -a username
then bash complains
and smbpasswd wants a password
it does this for each user twice.
any ideas?

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