At 12/18/05 09:49, Mathew D. Watson wrote:
dave wrote:
I am running kubuntu, samba 3.0.14a, my smb.conf file is ...
    workgroup = METRAN
    encrypt passwords = yes
    comment = For testing only, please
    path = /etc/samba/tmp
    read only = no
    guest ok = yes
I have a /etc/samba/tmp directory,
I am user dave on the system so I ...
smbpasswd -a dave
I gave it a password of 'testing', it complained that a file did not exist then created it for me ... all looked AOK I pointed my browser to http://localhost:901, an authentication dialogue popped up, I entered 'dave', 'testing' hopeing for the swat screen but all I get is authentication failed, retry.

This is a guess, but try adding

security = user

to the [global] section.

You might also try, as I did, using the /etc/samba/smb.conf file that came with the samba package. Then run swat, and use it to make your changes.


There are a couple of other things you might want to try: since you've gotten to the authentication dialog, it appears you have a proper swat config file (you might, though, compare yours to the one that's on pg 53 of Ts, et al.'s _Using Samba_ (O'Reilly pub), just to be sure. The biggie, though, is that, unless you explicitly set up swat to do otherwise, you need to log in as root to get it to run (don't forget to assign the same password for smbpasswd as you have for your root access for your kubuntu machine...). Anyone using swat can mess with your samba con fig file, and you don't want that--you should limit access to root, and that's the default access level for swat.

Eric Hines

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        --Bertrand Russell

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