Thanks Neil. I did find some very useful info over at about this also.

-- Delamatrix

neil wrote:

Yes!  That was it.  Thanks a lot.

But now I'm curious. So if I wanted to map my unix "users" group to "Domain Users", what rid would I use, or does it matter?


I think it does matter, if you check out the samba documentation you will see that Domain Users has the well known rid of 513 so your net command would be something like:

net groupmap modify unixgroup=users type=domain ntgroup="Domain Users"

Obviously you need to replace "users" with the name of your local users group if it is different.

If you have to create the nt group from scratch you don't need to specify a rid unless you want to but I've found that setting the group type to domain seems to make setting group privileges on windows workstations work correctly.


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