Huck schrieb:
> After joining machines to my Samba domain (in a school setting)some
> accounting software no longer functions as it needs to be run as the
> user that installed the software.
> So I uninstalled the software and attempted re-install as that user, but
> was told via a pop-up error message that the user did not have rights to
> install.
> The user exists on the local machine(XP Pro) and has administrative
> privileges, but apparently when logging into the domain it changes the
> user's effective rights.

A local user PCXYZ\username is always distintct from a domain user
DOMAIN\username, so PCXYZ\username's rights don't apply to DOMAIN\username.

> Is there some simple 'user configuration' on the Samba side that I need
> to do with 'smbpasswd' or with the linux groups to allow users to
> install software?

Just add the domain user to the local Administrator's group. As a local
administrator on the machine enter the following command:

   net localgroup Administrators DOMAIN\username /add

This gives admin privileges to the domain account.

Kind regards,
Wolfgang Ratzka
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