We have a directory where only one person can enter, but there is a file inside which needs to be accessed by other people (that person doesn't want to put that file in a common directory).

I have found that if I make a hard link to that file it can be accessed, if the hard link and the directory where it lies have the right permissions. But hard links have a problem, they get "unlinked" when they are written. I guess the program that writes it instead of updating the file it creates a new one and then deletes the old one, which is the one I linked, so that there are two different files after that, and not one. I think a symlink wouldn't do this but the symlink can't enter the directory because of the permissions. I thought of putting that file into a separate subdirectory and linking to that directory, but I can't hard link a directory.

Can you think of any other possibilities?

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