know prob on OSX - try to limit the share size on samba seen by OSX (1.9TB will do)

the list should have an old thread about that!


Sean DiZazzo wrote:
We are on 10.4.x on brand new Intel macs.  We are mounting a samba
share that is approx 4.8TB, but only 1.9TB shows as the size of the

Is this a known limitation of samba on the Mac, or can it be fixed by
upgrading to a newer version of the client?

I found a bit of info stating that there _used_ to be a problem
(2004), but it would be fixed in the 10.4 series of MacOSX.

I couldn't find any other info.  Anybody have any ideas?


Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
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