
I have just upgraded to samba 3.0.25a (from 3.0.24 AFAIR). I have also
upgraded schema file in openldap's configuration directory. As I have
had some more time I have discovered sambaMaxPwdAge and that it
may be read with pdbedit in human readable form. Great :-)

But what if I would like to force a user to change her password
right at next login? I have tried to set sambaPwdMustChange
to `date +%s` (I mean the number), but nothing happened.
pdbedit still shows sambaPwdLastSet + sambaMaxPwdAge and windows
does not ask for a change :-(

Of course! I could set sambaPwdLastSet to 1, but please admit,
this is kind of counter intuitive. Is this the only way to
force user to change her password sooner (or later) than it
is now?

Best regards,

PS. Please do CC.
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