
Please make sure, you have

printing = cups
printcap name = cups

also in your smb.conf.

When you have added a printer with cups, you could either restart your samba processes (/etc/init.d/samba restart - or something like that) or send them a signal to re-read the configuration.

killall -1 smbd

should do that.



Stephane ARMANET schrieb:
Hello list

I use a samba (version 3.0.14) PDC and Cups (1.2.7) for sharing printers with windows clients.

When I create a new printer in Cups i have to wait a long time (abour 20 minutes) to see the printer in Samba's sharing

Here is my Print sectin of the smb.conf

path = /tmp
print ok = yes
browseable = yes
printable = yes
printer admin = @users, root

path = /drivers/
public = yes
writeable = yes
write list = @users, root

Does anyone can help me ??


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