
I've seen several situations, that might match your problem:

- W32X86\3 is not writable for you (unlikely as you are able to install drivers) - There really exist drivers, which create the files in the temporary directory, but mark them as non readable (sick) - Your driver might contains files, that are allready installed and you are not allowed to replace the previous installed files

You might try to access your server by Start->Run -> \\samba-server\print$

Then you should see the W32X86 directory. Change into it and the __SKIP_xxxx directory and mark all files.
Copy them into the W32X86 directory.

If you experience any problems, this might help you to find out where the problem lies. If not, you could try to install the driver again and will - hopefully - succeed as there are no files, that has to be moved to the driver directory.

Hope it helps,


Joachim Kieferle schrieb:
Dear list,

since days I am trying to install several HP-drivers from a XP client on the samba server (DC) - 3.0.28 on OpenSuse 10.3.

Installing the drivers contained in Windows works.
Installing drivers from a disk (e.g. for a Designet 4000) does NOT work. It says "Driver for Designjet .... could not be installed. Access denied". It is however creating a directory under W32X86 named __SKIP_xxxx (where xxxx are different figures e.g. 00DA).

Linux-permissions at W32X86 are set to 777.
The directory named __SKIP_xxxx is created as "drwxrwxr-x root ntadmin ....", so as admin root there should be sufficient access.

Even log level 10 didn't show me any hints. I changed to different smb.conf settings, etc.

Did anybody of you experience a similar problem and has a solution?



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