Hello to all.

I´m using squid + samba to authenticate my users with active directory.

The error occour only in the first time i authenticate an user.

All works fine, but i have this is my logs:

==> /var/log/samba/log.winbindd <==
[2008/05/21 00:32:36, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(171)
  Added domain BUILTIN  S-1-5-32
[2008/05/21 00:32:37, 2] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_kerberos(615)
  Doing kerberos session setup
[2008/05/21 00:35:56, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c:winbindd_sid_to_gid(312)
  Could not get convert sid  from string
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c:winbindd_sid_to_gid(312)
  Could not get convert sid  from string
[2008/05/21 00:48:57, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c:winbindd_sid_to_gid(312)
  Could not get convert sid  from string

==> /var/log/samba/log.winbindd-idmap <==
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 2] nsswitch/idmap.c:idmap_new_mapping(957)
  gid allocation failed! Can't create mapping
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 1] nsswitch/idmap_tdb.c:idmap_tdb_allocate_id(470)
  Fatal Error: GID range full!! (max: 20000)
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 2] nsswitch/idmap.c:idmap_new_mapping(957)
  gid allocation failed! Can't create mapping
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 1] nsswitch/idmap_tdb.c:idmap_tdb_allocate_id(470)
  Fatal Error: GID range full!! (max: 20000)
[2008/05/21 00:47:01, 2] nsswitch/idmap.c:idmap_new_mapping(957)
  gid allocation failed! Can't create mapping

my smb.conf

password server = SERVER2003
security = ADS
netbios name = netserver

# Definiçs do winbind
bind interfaces only = yes
winbind separator = /
winbind uid = 10000-20000
winbind gid = 10000-20000
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind use default domain = yes

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
max log size = 1000

my samba version: samba-3.0.28a-0

What i can to solve that error?

Wilson Galafassi

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