Let me see if I understand....

In my smb.conf things should look like this:

    workgroup = FOO
    server string = FOO Server
    security = user
    map to guest = Bad Password
    hosts allow = 192.168.125. 127.0.
    log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
    max log size = 50
    local master = no
    os level = 33
    dns proxy = no
# ==================== Share Definitions ===================
    path = /home/foobar/Documents/Share/
    public = yes
    writable = yes
    printable = no

and ALL users (remote and LOCAL) will have full rigths on shared directory and 
it's contents???

With my current smb.conf, whoever pastes file into shared dir creates it as 
local user, so later on local user can edit or do whatever he/she wants on 
pasted file. 
Talking in permissions, pasted files are created as localuser:localuser rwxr-
xr-x, and if I just leave guest OK and user leves security, files are created 
as nobody:nogroup, and that is exactly what I DO NOT WANT!

On Friday 05 December 2008 22:40:28 Jeremy Allison wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 10:36:20PM +0100, Dragan Lukic wrote:
> > > Looks like I just want impossible: simple share with no limits, but
> > > with local user permissions for remote users. And NO I do not wish to
> > > use user level security, as users that have to use those shares hardly
> > > can cope with more basic stuff, than it is login to someone else's
> > > share via username&password.
> Then you're misunderstanding user level security.
> Use :
> map to guest = Bad  Password
> to get the same effect.
> Jeremy.

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